I have been a writer, consultant and community activist.
Paid consulting projects and mentorships
Whistler Writer in Residence Mentorship
August to November 2022
I was the scholarship recipient of the Fall 2022 WWR mentorship program. I was one of 7 writer participants to receive mentorship on our manuscripts from the Writer in Residence, author Shaena Lambert (author of Petra, Oh My Darling, Radiance and The Falling Woman).
Generously sponsored by The Resort Municipality of Whistler’s Community Enrichment Program.
Book Coverage
June 2022
Contract work for a Vancouver-based production company where I wrote a coverage report of the program’s novel to advise on the viability of the program s a potential tv show.
Trent University guest lecture appearance
February 2021
I was invited by Trent University, Ontario to give a guest lecture to a Poli 100 undergrad class about the experience of campaigning for a provincial election candidate during a pandemic in 2020. My candidate ran in a highly-contested riding, Vancouver-Langara (British Columbia, Canada) against a strong incumbent. While we didn’t win this riding, our election results were among the closest and tightest in the province. I shared with the students some lessons about campaigning over Zoom, a healthy campaign culture, digital organizing, and protecting mental health against burnout.